Actions /Achievements since Foundation
Founded 1996
Erected Name Stones on roads leading into Tara Hill
Erected 1798 memorial stone
Members attended UCD Diploma Level Rural Development Course.
Members attended Community Development seminars organized by WORD.
Established a strong working relationship with Coillte. There had been no Community communication for many years since purchase of Tara Hill property until 1996/97.
Completed a Local Area Plan for period 1998 – 2000 with neighbouring Communities Ballymoney and Castletown. Facilitated by UCD and WORD
Published Folklore book of the 1930’s
Erected a Community Notice Board.
Carried out improvements to Beech access on Saleen Beech, aided by Wexford Co Co and WORD
Carried out planting on Saleen Lane
Travelled to Mountmellick to visit and view the progress they made as a Community.
Laid Tarmacadam, built stone wall & planting at the Crab Tree.
Consulted with Coillte in their Forest Management Planning process.
Registered the Association as a Community Stakeholder with Coillte.
Developed and maintained walks on Tara Hill with Coillte, Wexford Co Co and WORD 1997 – 2011
Held a public consultation night with Coillte.
Organised footpath linking School to Church Car Park.
Organised instillation of Bottle Bank.
Assisted with the Foundation of Tara Hill Community Alert.
Assisted with re-launching of Tara Hill Youth Club.
Held two ‘’Minding the Memories Nights’’.
Members attended Walking Trails Planning Courses.
Members attended Walking Trail Maintenance & Monitoring Courses.
Affiliated the Trails to Sports Ireland. As a result the Trails & Committee are covered by Sports Ireland Insurance.
Became members of Wexford Walking Trails.
Erected Trailheads boards in 1998 and renewed in 2016/17
Erected information plaques on the Trails.
Complete and return biannual Maintenance Monitoring reports.
Registered the Association as a Company Limited by Guarantee
Fund raising events have included , Table Quiz’s, Christmas Raffles, Community day’s on Saleen Beech, Easter Bunny at Easter.
Held Collections for Gambia project.
Annual lighting of Christmas Tree, Carol Service & Santa.
For Christmas 2020 did a Live stream & Video of the event
Erected Name Stones on roads leading into Tara Hill
Erected 1798 memorial stone
Members attended UCD Diploma Level Rural Development Course.
Members attended Community Development seminars organized by WORD.
Established a strong working relationship with Coillte. There had been no Community communication for many years since purchase of Tara Hill property until 1996/97.
Completed a Local Area Plan for period 1998 – 2000 with neighbouring Communities Ballymoney and Castletown. Facilitated by UCD and WORD
Published Folklore book of the 1930’s
Erected a Community Notice Board.
Carried out improvements to Beech access on Saleen Beech, aided by Wexford Co Co and WORD
Carried out planting on Saleen Lane
Travelled to Mountmellick to visit and view the progress they made as a Community.
Laid Tarmacadam, built stone wall & planting at the Crab Tree.
Consulted with Coillte in their Forest Management Planning process.
Registered the Association as a Community Stakeholder with Coillte.
Developed and maintained walks on Tara Hill with Coillte, Wexford Co Co and WORD 1997 – 2011
Held a public consultation night with Coillte.
Organised footpath linking School to Church Car Park.
Organised instillation of Bottle Bank.
Assisted with the Foundation of Tara Hill Community Alert.
Assisted with re-launching of Tara Hill Youth Club.
Held two ‘’Minding the Memories Nights’’.
Members attended Walking Trails Planning Courses.
Members attended Walking Trail Maintenance & Monitoring Courses.
Affiliated the Trails to Sports Ireland. As a result the Trails & Committee are covered by Sports Ireland Insurance.
Became members of Wexford Walking Trails.
Erected Trailheads boards in 1998 and renewed in 2016/17
Erected information plaques on the Trails.
Complete and return biannual Maintenance Monitoring reports.
Registered the Association as a Company Limited by Guarantee
Fund raising events have included , Table Quiz’s, Christmas Raffles, Community day’s on Saleen Beech, Easter Bunny at Easter.
Held Collections for Gambia project.
Annual lighting of Christmas Tree, Carol Service & Santa.
For Christmas 2020 did a Live stream & Video of the event