The Community of Tara Hill actively pursues the social, economic and cultural development of their area. The formation of Tara Hill Community Development Association took place in response to the wishes of local residents to become more involved in the development of their Community in an organised manner. The organisation sees itself as catalyst for Community based projects that will enhance the socio-economic and cultural development of their area.
The Community Association views the participation of the local population in the development of their community as central to their role within the area. It is envisaged that participation will facilitate local people in having a greater input into the development of their area. In addition to this, the fostering of partnerships with relevant statutory and non-statutory bodies is also seen as an important aspect of successful local development initiatives.
The Community is in essence a rural area, and the protection of the rural character is paramount. Therefore, it is envisaged that any developments in the area will consider the implications on the rural fabric of the locality. Overall, the Association wish to see their area develop in a manner that suits the environment and considers the opinions of the people that are resident in the area.